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       利用分子生物学、植物遗传学、生物信息学、园艺生物技术等多学科手段,充分开展园艺植物品质和抗性相关优异基因资源的挖掘、分子标记开发等基础和应用基础研究工作,致力于分子标记辅助选育加速常规杂交育种进程,为行业自主知识产权水平提高做出贡献。研究方向: (1)植物激素在生物和非生物胁迫下参与园艺植物花果发育调控的分子机制; (2)园艺作物抗性和品质相关功能基因鉴定; (3)抗性和品质相关功能性分子标记的开发和利用; (4)园艺新品种分子指纹图谱构建、脱毒微繁、病毒检测标准化体系创建和推广应用。




Hong Liu, Wei-Fa Xie, Ling Zhang, Victoriano Valpuesta, Zheng-Wen Ye, Qing-Hua Gao, Ke Duan*. Auxin biosynthesis by the YUCCA6 flavin monooxygenase gene in woodland strawberry (Fragaria vesca) J Integr Plant Biol. 56(4):350-363 (2014) 

Wang M, Zhang Q, Liu FC, Xie WF, Wang GD, Wang J, Gao QH, Duan K*. Family-wide expression characterization of Arabidopsis beta-carbonic anhydrase genes using qRT-PCR and Promoter::GUS fusions. Biochimie. 97:219-227 (2014)

Li J, Zhang QY, Gao ZH, Wang F, Duan K, Ye ZW, Gao QH. Genome-wide identification and comparative expression analysis of NBS-LRR-encoding genes upon Colletotrichum gloeosporioides infection in two ecotypes of Fragaria vesca. Gene. 527(1):215-227 (2013)

Feng J, Li J, Liu H, Gao QH, Duan K*, Zou Z. Isolation and characterization of a novel calcium-dependent protein kinase gene FvCDPK1 responsive to abiotic stress in woodland strawberry (Fragaria vesca). Plant Mol Biol Rep. 31:443-456 (2013)

Liu H, Ying YY, Zhang L, Gao QH, Li J, Zhang Z, Fang, JG, Duan K*. Isolation and characterization of two YUCCA flavin monooxygenase genes from cultivated strawberry (Fragaria ×ananassa Duch.) Plant Cell Rep. 31:1425-1435 (2012)

Wang BG, Zhang Q, Wang LG, Duan K*, Pan AH, Tang XM, Sui SZ, Li MY. The AGL6-like gene CpAGL6, a potential regulator of floral time and organ identity in wintersweet (Chimonanthus praecox). J Plant Growth Regul. 30:343-352 (2011)

Zhang Q, Wang BG, Duan K*, Wang LG, Wang M, Tang XM, Pan AH, Sui SZ, Wang GD. The paleoAP3-type gene CpAP3, an ancestral B-class gene from the basal angiosperm Chimonanthus praecox, can affect stamen and petal development in higher eudicots. Dev Genes Evol. 221:83-93 (2011) 

Ding XZ, Wang BG, Gao QH, Zhang Q, Yan GQ, Duan K*, Huang JH. Molecular diversity and differential expression of starch-synthesis genes in developing kernels of three maize inbreds. Plant Cell Rep. 28(10):1487-1495 (2009)

Duan K*, Ding X, Zhang Q, Zhu H, Pan A, Huang J. AtCopeg1, the unique gene originated from AtCopia95 retrotransposon family, is sensitive to external hormones and abiotic stresses. Plant Cell Rep 27(6):1065-1073(2008)

Duan K, Yi K, Dang L, Huang H, Wu W, Wu P. Characterization of a sub-family of Arabidopsis genes with the SPX domain reveals their diverse functions in plant tolerance to phosphorus starvation. Plant J. 54(6):965-975. (2008)

