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A working group for fair protection of button mushroom varieties.

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Dr. Jean Michel Savoie

INRA, UR1264, Mycology and Food Safety,  

BP81, F-33883 Villenave d’Ornon, France


Growers and spawn makers continuously search for varieties and strains of mushrooms with improved qualities. The sought after qualities may be found in wild strains of the species, but they are unlikely to be found in a combination that is commercially desirable [1]. It is possible to combine the desirable traits through selective breeding, but breeding usually requires considerable investment in time and resources. Consequently, breeders may be reluctant to commit to the development of a new variety if they know it will be difficult to cover their investment due to lack of protection of the new variety or strain. On the other hand, patenting living organisms that are used for human food that could contribute to improved food security is a subject of discussion from an ethical point of view. During the 7th International Conference on Mushroom Biology and Mushroom Products (ICMBMP7) hosted by the INRA research group in Arcachon (France) in 2011, a round table discussion was held on “Regulation for the protection of new mushroom varieties”. A representative of the International Union for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants (UPOV) was invited to the discussion. UPOV is an intergovernmental organization established by a convention in Paris in 1961 that was most recently revised in 1991.


Download pdf:202304071******6779.pdf

The contact person of the working group is:

Dr. Anton S.M. Sonnenberg

Wageningen UR

P.O. Box 16

6700 AA     Wageningen

The Netherlands

Phone: +31 317 481336

Email: anton.sonnenberg@wur.nl

protection MichelSavoie
