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来源: 发布时间:2018-01-09 08:59:00 浏览次数: 【字体:


简 介





国外畜牧学——猪与禽》为双月刊(单月25日出版),大16K64页,每册定价6.00元、全年36.00(6)。国内统一刊号 CN31-1277/S,国际连续出版物号 ISSN: 1001-0769,邮发代号4361。由上海市报刊发行局代为发行,全国各邮电局()均可订阅,错过征订期限或漏订的读者均可直接向编辑部订阅。



联系地址:上海市北翟路2901号农科院畜牧所内             201106

  :潘老师  李老师                                                     021-62209279, 62204554

    021-62204554                                                            电子邮件shzyq2005@126.com

网    址:www.pig-poultry.cn





A Brief Introduction

To Animal Science AbroadPigs & Poultry (Bimonthly)


Animal Science Abroad - Pigs & Poultry started it’s publication in 1983 and is a profes- sional technical Journal, with the purpose of promoting the livestock production in China by presenting comprehensively the recent developments, new technology and new knowledge in animal and veterinary sciences as well as new animal breeds abroad. During the past 20 years, this journal has been advancing with the times and innovating constantly while kee- ping its original aim of publication, in an effort to serve the domestic animal production and veterinary practices. Therefore, the journal has won the heart and favorable comments from not only Animal and veterinary technicians and related research workers, but also college teachers and students, animal producers and feed millers.

The publication of this journal is sponsored by the Research Institute of Animal & Vet- erinary Sciences, Shanghai Academy of Agricultural Sciences, and supervised by the Research Institute of Agricultural Information, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences. The journal is one of the national (livestock) core periodicals in China and also a key media recognized by the Ministry of Agriculture, and belongs to the System of National Agro-Technological Intelligence Publications. The journal is fully recorded in many integ- rated Chinese academic-periodicals databases, such as Chinese Periodicals Network, Chinese Academic Journals (CD version), China Academic Journal Comprehensive Eval-uation Database, Wanfang Database, Wei-pu Database.

The articles selectively published in this journal are practical and of innovative persp- ective in nature, several special columns being set up in the journal as follows: feeds and nutrition, feeding practices, breeding and reproduction, economics, comprehensive utiliz- ation of wastes, public health, animal health care, equipment, products, presentation of new techniques and new varieties of foreign swine and poultry and their domestication and adoption on domestic farms, and the related news and recent developments. 

Reading the Journal is the best way to learn the advanced scientific and technological developments in the animal husbandry and veterinary practice in other countries. The jou- rnal also sets up many columns such as expert forum, the experience exchange, providing a platform of exchange and self-style display for domestic researchers.


Specifications for the journal:


Publication cycle: Bimonthly (On 25th every odd month);

Size: Big 16K, 64 pages,

Price: 6.00 per copy, 36.00 per year (6 issues in total );

ISSN (International Standard Serial Number): 1001-0769;

DSSN (Domestic Standard Serial Number): CN31-1277/S;

Distributor: Shanghai Newspapers and Periodicals Distribution Bureau

Post Subscription Code: 4-361;

(Readers who have missed the subscription launched by the post office can subscribe the journal by direct contact with our editorial office).


Advertising Operations:


The journal also serves as a platform of self-presenting for various organizations or enterprises concerned such as feed mills, veterinary pharmaceutical factories, equipment manufacturers, pig farms, poultry farms.


Contact Information:

Research Institute of Animal & Veterinary Sciences

Shanghai Academy of Agricultural Sciences

2901 Beidi Road

Shanghai 201106

Contact Person: Mrs. Li, Mr. Pan

Tel: +86 21 62209279

Fax: +86 21 62204554

E-mail: shzyq2005@126.com



